Iowa Pork Recognizes Aron Nieland and Ehlers Family

The Iowa Pork Producers Association recently recognized an employee and Production Partner family for their achievements in pork production.

Aron Nieland, Senior Production Manager-Regional Logistics, was honored at the Iowa Pork Congress Banquet in January as a 2020 Master Pork Partner. In addition, Mike and Michelle Ehlers were recognized as the 2020 Iowa Environmental Steward Award winners. Congratulations to Aron and the Ehlers!

Environmental Steward Award

Mike and Michelle Ehlers own and operate a 4,800 wean-to-finish site for The Maschhoffs. The family also grows 1,400 acres of corn and 750 acres of soybeans in addition to finishing 8,000 head of hogs each year.

The Ehlers use no-till and strip-till on all of their fields, and have cover crops on nearly 100% of their acres. The family tests manure in the barn so they can plan for where it will be applied. In the fall, they use low-disturbance manure application. Then, in the spring, they go in with a strip-till machine and freshen up the manure strips and plant into the same zone to give the seed the best nutrients for increased yields.

Master Pork Partner

Aron has deep roots in the pig industry. His paternal grandfather has raised pigs most of his life on a small family farm. A member of the Buena Vista County Pork Producers, Aron sources pigs from The Maschhoffs to use for the long-running Special Swine Program. About 50 4H’ers learn about pork production and each receive two pigs to care for and show during the county fair.

Off the farm, Aron is a lay minister at the First Congregational Church of Christ in Newell and leads services when the pastor is gone. Aron and wife Crystal are licensed foster parents themselves and have their own children: Elijah, 6; Ivy, 3; and Ezrah, 1.

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Left to Right: Michelle and Mike Ehlers, Aron and Crystal Nieland.